B. M. Husband III
Expression's Gallery
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Buford Husband's Expression series is the product of a deeper discovery involving the true beauty found in the human form, encompassing not only the shape of the body, but the emotions and experiences that come along with it.  Capsulated with dark lines of curvature, which suspend them away from their colored frames, these provocatively faceless figures seem to take on a life of their own.  In this work he purposely leaves off the faces, sometimes the entire head, because he wishes the viewer to connect, understand and relate to the body itself.  He has said, 'that as he manifests them he listens quitely, for it appears to him that  they are always about to dance forth from the mouths of their open cages to whisper some long forgotten messege.'

"My goal in this work and as an artist is not only to reveal who I am, nor to simply build a connection with the viewer, but to extend the vision of who we all are, and to do so in such a way that one is gifted with such a deep sense of emotion and self-recognition, that they cannot help exploring the variety of energies to be found surging through them!"

--B. M. Husband III

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Goddess In Pose

No. 1 in Expression Series

Soft Pastel on 18"x24" drawing paper


Copyright 2000 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.

Goddess in Pose represents the beauty found in the pregnant woman.  Through this work, the woman, burgeoning in her fertility, is held high as a Goddess symbol, extolling the virtue of her special gift of life giving.

Sleeping Venus

No. 2 in Expression series

Soft pastel on 19"x24" bristol

Copyright 2002 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.


Sleeping Venus is a depiction of the woman in repose. Delicate, vulnerable, the woman replenishes her softly glowing spirit in slumber, under moonlight, as she dreams.

Ebony I

No. 3 in Expression series

Soft pastel on 19"x24" bristol

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.


Ebony I is a fertility symbol based on the artist's investigation into the treatment by various cultures of the origins of humanity.  In this piece, the artist strives to acknowledge Africa as the birthplace of mankind, an opinion widely held by modern scholarly anthropology for at least the last five decades.

Ebony II

No.4 in Expression series

Soft pastel on 19"x24" bristol

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.


Ebony II is the male counterpart to Ebony I. As a pair, Ebony I & II are designed to demonstrate balance between men and women, like the rest of nature, in the birth and survival of humanity.

The Sunbather

No. 5 in Expression series

Acrylic on 18"x24" cold press

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.


The Sunbather celebrates a special kind of woman; one confident in her body and her person.  Acknowledging her symbiotic relationship with the universe, she is not simply an object in nature or of nature.  Rather, she is one with nature, both in form and substance.

The Lovers

No. 6 in Expression series

Soft pastel on 19"x24" bristol

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.

The Lovers represents the coming together of man and woman in the act of true love making and not just simple prurient sex.  In this piece, their entwined bodies,  symbolic of the lovers' union, are the tools that bring them together.   This is exemplified by the way the two so delicatly meld, actually passing through each other.  They are together not only in body, but also in mind and spirit. 


No. 7 in Expression series

Acrylic on 18"x24" cold press

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.

Since the terror of 9/11, the United States has been focusing most of its attention on promulgating wars and protecting its shores from foreign assault.  Agony is the artist's alternative insight on this policy.   The figure in the painting is Lady Liberty,  all of her garments and accoutrements stripped from her.  She lies on the ground crouched in the fetal position.  Her hollow being mourns not only for the terror that has breached her shores, but more so for the sadness and terror that has always been apart of her home such as poverty, disease, homelessness, racism, gender and spiritual intolerance, as well as the abuse of women and children.  She cries because her nation has forgotten the very purpose for its exisistance, not just to provide for the common defense, but also to promote the general welfare, a duty of equal import under the Constitution. The faded and tattered American flag represents this failure; an America falling apart.

Forbidden Dance

No. 8 in Expression series

Acrylic on 18"x24" cold press

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.

Forbidden Dance tackles the social stigma attached to public displays of affection.  This work represents how two people can be of the same mind, yet their bodies are not allowed to touch, a component of the human condition just as essential to existence and survival as breathing itself.

The Baptism

No. 9 in Expression series

Acrylic on 16"x20" canvas

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.

The Baptism is one of two of the artist's works symbolizing rebirth.  In this piece, the rejuvenation of the spirit comes through submersion in the traditional medium of water, symbolizing the fluidity of change.  The body transforms from aged shell to winged spirit.

The Hunger

No. 10 in Expression series

Acrylic on 32"x40" canvas

Copyright 2003 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.


The Hunger is the same depiction as described in The Baptism, only in this work, the transformational medium is the eternal light of the spirit instead of water. 

By A Harvest Moon

No. 11 in Expression series

Soft pastel on 19"x24" bristol

Copyright 2004 B. M. Husband III, All rights reserved.


By a Harvest Moon is a work of art created as one of several works illustrating the book Diary of an Invisible Woman, a collection of erotic poems, essays, short stories, and haiku by Ron Horne.  Many of the works shown above, as well as others throughout this website, found their way into this publication.  This piece, of a woman lying on the beach at night, represents the pure sensual and sexual beauty of woman.








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